The Deep Creek Weekly Round-Up - 80 Degrees on Monday!?

Published: April 25, 2024

honi honi at deep creek

Coming in for the weekend and wondering what to do at Deep Creek? You're already here and want to be in tune with the latest and greatest? The Deep Creek Weekly Round-Up is for you...

Weather, events, things to do, insider tips and info for April 25th-May 1st

Written on Thursday, April 25th...


We've had some warmth and sunshine again this week! 60 and some sun tomorrow, Friday, 60s and maybe some rain Saturday, but ALMOST 80 on Sunday! AND 80 on Monday!?! Wow, this is such a treat for us in April!

We haven't had a ton of rain recently either. Anytime that's the case, I right away think of the water level at Swallow Falls State Park and how it's likely a little low and the waterfalls aren't as raging as they are when it does rain. Which reminds me...


The main road to Swallow Falls State Park is CLOSED. They're repairing a small bridge on Maple Glade Road (the main road through the park) and the park ranger I talked to yesterday said they're hoping it'll be fixed by Memorial Day. In the meantime, you can take the "back way" into the park. More info here.

Brewery and the Beast in Accident is getting close to opening - set for May! AND straight from my friend Terah Crawford regarding their food (they've been serving on select days from the parking lot) - "Holy smokes, that was DELICIOUS." And yes, she used capital letters.

Black Hawk Coffee Company in downtown Oakland is now serving ice cream!


Go grab some unique BBQ from Brewery and the Beast (in their parking lot) on Saturday. Food ready by 11am and it does sell out sometimes.

With Sunday's forest being almost 80 degrees with sunshine, I suggest a Honi hang. All summer long people will hang in the "backyard" at Honi Honi Bar at the lake because there's so much space to move around! Lots of grass to spread out in (take a blanket or chair), shallow water to dip your feet in, and a pirate ship, whale and elephant for the kids to play on.


UNO Doughraiser to benefit Garrett Mentors - Tuesday, April 30th
Spring Wine Pairing Dinner at Mountain State Brewing - Wednesday, May 1st


Q: What's a good bakery in the area?

If you're looking for freshly made baguettes, bagels, cinnamon rolls, cookies, and loaves of bread, definitely check Wild Ember Bread. The "Bread Guy" that always has a long line at Deep Creek Farmers Market? This is him, he now has a shop...yay!

Q: When can you get food at Honi and when is a good time to take the kids there?

Honi Honi Bar and UNO's are connected so in summer, UNO's will provide food service on the Honi patio. This usually starts around mid-June.

And yes, Honi is a bar, but you can take your kids there because most of it is an outdoor space. The only time I wouldn't take my kids is late on Friday and Saturday nights, like past 8/9pm. That's when the dancing, partying crowd comes. Otherwise, it can be a pretty family-friendly atmosphere.

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